Hello, my name is Tiawjuana Connor and I am the founder of “The Dirty Candle” Let me begin by saying “Thank You”. If you’re reading this bio, it means something about “The Dirty Candle” captured your interest and I sincerely appreciate the support.


To state that I am extremely excited about this endeavor would be an understatement. My purpose of starting this business came to me in the most unconventional way. I never knew that my life would change one night when my mother came to me in a dream and told me to start a candle business. The dream was so vivid and real, it was as if she was actually alive and speaking to me clear as day. That dream shaped and reconstructed me as an individual. It provided me a renewed sense of purpose. Although I have had other business before I knew that this was the one that I would put my heart and soul into. My mother’s dream fueled the spark I was missing.

In 2014 I lost my mother and grandmother one month apart, literally, and their untimely deaths changed my life drastically. Both of them were the matriarchs in my life, in our family’s lives and their departures truly changed my foundation, my existence and my spirit. Although I am happily married and have always had my husbands support and love I still felt loss, empty and stagnant without my mother and grandmother. They were my role models in life since a young girl. They were all I knew in terms of strong women figures and support. I suffered for eight long years, not truly sure where to use my creative talents, how to channel my energy and or how to discover something to bring me inner peace.


Who would ever imagine that what started as a dream has now become my best reality. I’m obsessed with constructing creative products. I’m constantly learning, testing and researching to perfect my products. I understand that no single approach is right for every individual that’s why I spend tedious hours thinking of the perfect variety of products to fit people’s different preferences, lifestyles and personalities. My mother had a great sense of humor and could always make people laugh and feel comfortable. I know that is where I inherited my sense of humor from and I wanted to add that unique differentiator of flare to the various names and products. Humor, mixed with emit unique scents and a great ambiance clears the mind, improves the mood and allows one to take a second and just relax. My goal was for “The Dirty Candle” to have an unapologetic audacity, be fun, be creative and have a splash of personality not found in typical candle products.


I truly enjoy a challenge and this business is amazing. It has allowed me the opportunity to ignite my creative side and push me to new limits and in the most exhilarating way. I also love cooking, traveling with my husband, spoiling my Maltese King and living life. Each day is a blessing and I try to not waste the time I’ve been granted. I have to once again reiterate and extend a huge “Thank You” for putting your confidence and trust into my business. I am truly grateful for your patronage and look forward to serving you in the future.


“Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts…………..”
